

沪上大学毕业生做起家政阿姨 - 2014年05月29日

THREE years after gaining a degree in politics and administration from Xinjiang University, 23-year-old Zhou Yanyan should by now be well on her way up the corporate ladder. In actual fact, she recent...

上海疾控中心透露今年将是蚊子“大年” - 2014年05月28日

WITH summer now officially under way, people are being warned to take precautions against the annual influx of mosquitoes. While June through August are the peak months for the biting insects, they ar...

地铁14号线2020年开通运营 - 2014年05月28日

SHANGHAI’S Metro Line 14 will go into service in 2020, its operator said yesterday. The 39-kilometer route will feature 31 stations and link Fengbang Town in Jiading District to Jinqiao in the Pudong...

上海将报废16万辆旧车 - 2014年05月27日

CHINA is sending more than 5 million cars to the scrapheap this year as part of its efforts to clean up the country’s air. The move is included in a State Council document detailing emission reductio...

老外闯红灯无理取闹,交警流利英语妥善处理 - 2014年05月27日

TWO foreign men were fined on Saturday evening after refusing to obey a police officer who asked them not to cross the road on a red light. The Caucasian males, whose nationality is unknown, attempted...

上海万人相亲会成功举行 - 2014年05月26日

A BLIND date for tens of thousands. To a Westerner, this feels like something on the verge of insanity, given the average American’s aversion to even a single blind date. And yet somehow it mostly se...

宝山化工气体泄露事件处置成功无人伤亡 - 2014年05月26日

AIR and water quality in Baoshan District were at safe levels yesterday morning after poisonous sulfur trioxide gas leaked on Saturday, environmental authorities said. The leak occurred at noon when m...

联合国秘书长潘基文为上海市妇幼保健中心揭牌 - 2014年05月23日

THE United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, along with local health officials, yesterday inaugurated the Shanghai Maternal and Child Health Center that will carry out studies on pregnancy and ch...

英特尔国际科学与工程大赛落幕,上海16岁学生获一等奖 - 2014年05月23日

习近平主席呼吁全亚洲建立更长远的安全战略 - 2014年05月22日

PRESIDENT Xi Jinping called for a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security strategy for Asia in the keynote speech at the 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence ...

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